Registration Instructions

  • You need to fill the registration form and submit it.
  • You will receive an e-mail to confirm your account (check the spam folder also).
  • To finalize your registration, you should the conference fee in the conference/payment section.

The conference fee covers the participation to the scientific and social events (welcome party, gala dinner, coffee breaks and boat trip) and the cost of the publication.

The details of the conference fee and of the bank account are reported below.
The deadline for the payment of the reduced conference fee is April 15th, 2023.

Registration Fees

Before April 15th, 2023

  • Delegates 600€
  • Students 300€
  • Accompaning person 200€ 

After April 15th, 2023 and on site

  • Delegates 700€
  • Students 350€ 
  • Accompaning person 250€
  • One day registration 250€*

* Include only the conference proceedings, coffee breaks and 1 coupon for the lunch of the day for which the registration is paid


Click on the following button to register and partecipate to the TOP Conference 2023.